Be ‘Always Home’

The National Safety Council (NSC) released a report in 2014 stating that lighting, both interior and exterior, helps to deter thieves. Thieves are 3 times more likely to target a house without exterior lighting and 7 times more likely to [...]

2017-10-19T08:59:40-04:00By |FAQs, Outdoor Improvements|

A Forever Garden

Xeriscaping is a philosophy originally conceived by Denver Water and consists of designing your landscaping scheme with drought tolerant, slower growing plants to promote water conservation. By doing this you reduce the resources needed to manage the landscaping while keeping [...]

2017-10-19T09:15:06-04:00By |Outdoor Improvements|

First View

Lighting of a neighborhood entrance There is a 60% chance that potential home buyers will see your neighborhood for the first time at night. A custom landscape lighting design can create the perfect feel for your development. The [...]

2017-10-19T09:18:00-04:00By |FAQs, Technology|

The Light and the Dark

When planning a lighting design, safety is always a primary consideration. This consideration has to take into account the issues lighting can create not just the ones it can solve. Because of the way the human eye works, the design [...]

2017-10-19T09:19:55-04:00By |FAQs|

The Allure of Water

The Allure of Water [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] The allure of water...even more mysterious and beautiful at night! Fountains and water gardens add a soothing, mystical touch to your landscape.   Do you have a water feature you want [...]

2017-10-19T09:23:29-04:00By |FAQs, Gallery|

Accent Outdoor Lighting

Accent Outdoor Lighting [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] Accent Outdoor Lighting offers a variety of services to suit your landscape and architectural lighting needs. We offer new lighting system installations, existing system upgrades, expansions, retrofitting, and repair services.  All [...]

2017-10-19T09:24:43-04:00By |Gallery|

Is your Pool Area Safe?

Beautiful Pool Lanai [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] Thanks to the year round warm weather in Florida, our residents spend much of their time around or in a pool.  Your poolside enjoyment doesn't have to end when the sun [...]

2017-10-19T09:36:06-04:00By |FAQs, Recent Work|
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