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I have a sprinkler system installed. Will it get broken when you install a lighting system on my property?
I guess I should say that it is an unspoken portion of our company policy that we do our best to never break anything when we do an install. It is just bad manners to come in and start breaking things at someone’s home. That being said. . .
The thing about installing a lighting system where there is a sprinkler system installed is that they tend to work on different placement principals. Sprinkler systems are placed for maximum coverage without obstruction so they tend to run to open areas where the water can go the full radius of the spray. Lighting systems tend to be feature oriented and are in close to things such as walls, trees, and landscaping fixtures so they are not out in the open areas.
That being said, there will be cross over points. If you have a grid layout from the sprinkler system installation, provide that to the people designing the lighting system. It always helps having as much information as possible. If not a quick survey of where the sprinkler heads are will show what the layout of piping is and we can work around it without causing any damage.
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