
Here is a recent testimonial from one of our customers and a few pictures they took. Justin did a fantastic job. We left for PA yesterday morning so we weren't able to get many pictures. I included the one of [...]

2017-10-03T16:43:56-04:00By |Gallery, Justin, Recent Work|

FAQ : Dogs and Fixtures

What if my dog goes to the bathroom on one of the lights? Will it hurt him or break the light? Umm… I have to admit that sometimes the questions people ask catch me off guard. I am pretty sure [...]

2017-10-17T15:04:24-04:00By |FAQs, Justin|

FAQ – Time Out

Do timers still have to be reset every time the power goes out? We get asked a lot about timers. It used to be a big hassle for people to have to reset the timer for the outside lights every [...]

2017-10-19T09:16:30-04:00By |FAQs, Justin|
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