The Garden Flow

Your Yard Can Be Anything You Want Landscaping your yard is a daunting task. There are so many styles and so many options that it can be intimidating. Breaking it down to manageable bites to work with is [...]

2017-10-19T09:04:43-04:00By |Outdoor Improvements|

The Light and the Dark

When planning a lighting design, safety is always a primary consideration. This consideration has to take into account the issues lighting can create not just the ones it can solve. Because of the way the human eye works, the design [...]

2017-10-19T09:19:55-04:00By |FAQs|

FAQ – Sprinklers Vs Lighting

Sprinklers Vs Lighting [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] I have a sprinkler system installed. Will it get broken when you install a lighting system on my property? I guess I should say that it is an unspoken portion of [...]

2017-10-01T14:13:07-04:00By |FAQs|

Drama of Trees

House and landscape lit by low voltage LED Lighting [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] I love the way trees can take on so many dynamics depending on how you light them with low voltage LED lighting. You can create [...]

2017-10-01T14:10:59-04:00By |Gallery, Recent Work|

Great Place To Relax

A recent accent outdoor lighting job [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] A deck is a great place to relax. The trick to lighting a deck is to get it functional and keep the dynamic relaxed. Very few people want [...]

2017-10-01T14:08:15-04:00By |Gallery, Recent Work|

The Ultimate Florida look

The Ultimate Florida Look, Tropical, Beautiful, Tranquil [sgmb id="1" customimageurl="" ] Some jobs just leave you amazed at the results. This picture seems to capture every aspect of the Florida dream. . .Tropical, dynamic and yet tranquil, beautiful. The [...]

2017-10-01T14:01:19-04:00By |Gallery, Recent Work|
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